If you talk to anyone that’s had a successful run, they will tell you the greatest thrill for them hasn’t been:
All the money they’ve made
All the great trips they’ve taken
All the wonderful houses they’ve owned
All the news stories about adding another business to their portfolio
All about their sales rankings in publications like Automotive News
All about all the wonderful plaques they’ve received for their civics’ activities, contributions to their community or the awards from the franchises they represent
It’s none of those.
They will tell you the greatest thrill for them is the contributions they’ve made toward developing great leaders in and outside of their organization.
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to invest in their businesses and their staff. The one thing they all know deep down inside is there is no greater investment than investing in their people.
Regardless of your position on the management totem pole, you too can invest in others by teaching, coaching, encouraging and picking others up. When you set the example, you become the example.
When people feel like they are learning and moving forward, they always want to give you their best. When people are giving their best we all grow.
Sometimes you help people grow so much that they leave for other bigger and greater opportunities. You should smile, high five them and give yourself a little pat on the back.
Are you investing in your team? That’s all I’m gonna ask. Tommy Gibbs