• Your entire management team gets on the same page
  • Cost effective because Tommy comes to you
  • Learn processes that are easy and effective
  • Learn how to get more trades and purchase less cars
  • Learn how to speed things up and make more money
  • Learn the connection between days in stock, gross profit and ROI
  • Learn how Life-Cycle Management Improves gross profit
  • Learn how to drive more traffic to your front door
  • Learn how to create accountability without brain damage
Book a Workshop Today!

The Peter Principle Is Alive and WEll…

Tommy Gibbs

The Peter Principle Is Alive &Well The Peter Principle is a management theory that states the selection of a candidate for a position is based on the candidate’s performance in their current role, rather than on abilities relevant to the intended role.Thus, employees only stop being promoted once they can no longer perform effectively, and […]

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When Tommy spends a day with the members of your management team, the results from the 1/2 workshop become ten fold… Book it NOW!

Our new and exciting Half Day Used Car Workshop titled “This Ain’t No Mutual Fund, It’s a Short Term Stock, Think Like a Day Trader” will change your used car world forever.

“Used Car Intensity Training Program.”

  • Breaking down data
  • Asset Management and ROI
  • Taking advantage of the Internet
  • Appraisal Accountability
  • Managing Water
  • Advertising and Marketing