Not a day goes by that I don’t read something in sports about a team excelling and/or winning a championship because they trust each other. And, time and time again you will hear team members say the number one reason for their success is they trust their coach.
These stories come from both the college and professional levels so it’s no fluke that such a big deal is made of the word trust when it’s connected to winning and success.
Trust doesn’t happen with one statement or one goodwill act. Trust is something that has to be built on each and every day. If you’re going to lead you have to be trusted. Trust begins with always telling the truth, even when it hurts and even when it may cause a temporary setback.
A setback based on trust is a good thing. Maybe a setback is when you have to give a customer their money back because you’ve discovered the car had been in a previously unreported accident.
That’s ok. Trust is about doing the right thing when the wrong thing is easier to do.
Trust is about having the courage to stand up for the values that you have based your leadership on.
You win, I win, We all win, when we can say “I trust you.” That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs