If what you’re doing isn’t working, why do you keep doing what you’re doing?
Maybe you don’t know it’s not working? Nah. Could it be you know it’s not working, but keep thinking if you stay the course that it eventually will work?
I’m all for staying the course, but how long can you stand to stay the course? The sad part of this story is there are those around you, some not even as smart as you, and they know it’s not working.
They are embarrassed for you, but they are afraid to speak up. They know you already know it’s not working, but they don’t want to make you mad by telling you something they think you already know.
Only an idiot stays the course when they know it’s the wrong course. You’re not an idiot. For gosh sakes, do the right thing and change directions.
The worst that can happen is it doesn’t work. What you’re doing ain’t working. Changing the miserable course that you are on will energize the team and when you energize the team anything is possible.
I’m energizing you. It’s working. That’s all I’m gonna say Tommy Gibbs