1. That you and your team have the most successful year in your history.
2. That you and your team understand the value of pressing your cost down.
3. That you and your team embrace becoming a stude nt of the game.
4. That you and your team turn and burn high dollar units.
5. That you and your team buy very few and selectively from the rental car companies.
6. That you and your team never miss a trade at the front door.
7. That you and your team buy more units from your customer base.
8. That you and your team utilize my “Life Cycle Management Program.”
9. That you and your team realize you don’t make money on units 30 days and older. Yep, 30 days.
10. That you and your team re-think recon cost and packs.
11. That you and your team get your vehicles in and out of recon down to 3 days or less.
12. That you and your team continue to move to “one-price” by learning how to say “no” to the customer and “yes” to selling the value of your product and your store.
13. That you and your team realize paying on gross makes no sense.
14. That you and your team pick up your intensity and make things happen.
15. That you and your team become a team.
16. That you and your team add me to your team.
That’s all I’m gonna wish, Tommy Gibbs