That’s a really good question, isn’t it?
The reality is all the stuff we’ve learned over the last year we’ve always known.
We have always known and understood the law of supply and demand. It’s simple. If you’ve got a bunch of stuff to sell it’s a lot harder to make a lot of profit on it than when you only have a few.
We’ve always known it’s important to sell the value of our product. Of course, the value seems to increase when we have fewer of them. But, we should never sell short the importance of selling the value of our product. We have gotten very good at saying to the customer, “Nope, we’ve got the price right, no need to even think about negotiating.”
We’ve always known it’s important to differentiate between our organization and our competitors. That means selling the value of our history and the value our company brings to the table.
We’ve always known the value of selling ourselves. There’s no denying that the better you are at creating a friendship with the customer the greater the odds of you selling your product or service.
So, there you have it. As we have maneuvered through these last 12 months or so, we’ve been forced to do the things we’ve always known we should be doing.
We’ve learned that all those things we knew that were right are right.
The real test will be moving forward. Have we learned anything yet? That’s all I’m gonna ask, Tommy Gibbs.