Most of my messages are geared toward management, but today I want to talk to your sales staff. You should forward this to every sales person on your team.
As a sales person I want to help you re-frame what you do every day and what a great opportunity you might be missing.
Have you ever wanted to be in business for yourself?
Have you ever thought about going into business, to get someone else to invest the money and you reap the rewards?
Welcome to the amazing world of the automobile business:
You have free office space.
You get rewarded based on how hard you work.
You have opportunities for advancement.
You have healthcare, vacation and retirement opportunities and Christmas bonus programs.
You have a management team working to help you be productive.
You have a free computer system.
You have a DMS and other software provided free of charge.
You have staff and technicians available to handle customer problems.
You have free marketing, advertising and a website developer.
You have an administrative staff to help process your deals, DMV work, etc.
You have millions of dollars of inventory to sell with zero personal investment.
You get special spiffs/incentives from the factory.
You get all the free training/coaching that you can stand.
You have a detail/clean up department that gets your vehicles ready for delivery.
You don’t have to pay a penny for phone, electricity and other utilities.
You can demand an assistant when you become productive enough.
You have an Internet/BDC department begging you to take leads.
You have free janitorial service.
You have free coffee.
You have your own personal financial officer (F&I) working to put your deals together.
You work out of a multi-million dollar facility located on prime real estate.
You have an opportunity of a lifetime with no personal financial investment.
You need to “own” your own business. That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs