Make a list and attack your 10 most expensive units every day. With one exception, make sure they are priced really, really right. The one exception is if you know you always make money on a unit that’s on the list then use some common sense, don’t give it away.
Consider putting bonus money on those 10 units regardless of the number of days they have been in stock. Sooner rather than later. Most dealers bonus their sales staff when the units have aged. Do it early, you will be much better off.
Make sure the service manager gets a copy of the list every day. If one of those units happens to be in the service department, the service manager has to understand they must get it out of the shop in a hurry because it’s one of your 10 most expensive units.
Also give copies to the sales managers and F&I managers every day. The entire team needs to have top of mind awareness that these vehicles need to go.
In many cases your top ten most expensive are also some of your oldest units in stock. Duh…that’s because there are fewer butts that can fit in those seats. That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs