Recently I read an article in USA Today about Jim Harbaugh, the head football coach at the University of Michigan. The gist of the article was about Coach Harbaugh and his coaching staff attending 11 camps in 9 days in 7 states, including some in the backyard of the Southeastern Conference. Some of the coaches in the SEC and other states aren’t too happy about him invading their territory.
Jedd Fisch, the Wolverines quarterbacks’ coach said, “We are a full court press operation.” He further stated, “That is Coach Harbaugh, you’re going to attack and be aggressive. We’re going to push the tempo. That’s what makes it fun.”
Are you being aggressive? Are you attacking? Are you pushing the tempo? Are you having fun? That’s what real leaders do.
Or, are you sitting on your hands and letting the Jim Harbaughs of the world take your customers from you?
Being aggressive will sometimes annoy the competition. I’ve always found that to be fun.
Better to annoy the competition than one day find yourself owned by the competition. That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs