One of the great disconnects among leaders is the mindset that they don’t need to be responsive to others-unless it’s something they deem urgent in their own minds.
This lack of responsiveness minimizes the expectations and intentions of the person who asked for a response. The leader’s response is important to them otherwise, they wouldn’t have asked for it in the first place.
As a leader, if you receive an email, phone call, letter or text message, it should be handled in the most expeditious manner possible. There’s a difference between just missing something and intentionally not reacting to it.
The problem goes even deeper when you tell someone you are going to do something and you don’t. Be a person of action. Be a person of doing. Be a person of doing it now.
As a leader, everyone is watching you. Monkey see monkey do. If you don’t do it, then don’t expect the rest of your team to do it
We get more respect and trust when we do what we say we are going to do, when we say we are going to do it. That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs