Some Will?-the truth of the matter is very few will. Will what, you say? Will make the necessary changes to leap frog and kill the competition. Yes, kill the competition. Killing the competition is a worthy goal. Of course I don’t mean that in the sense of the word. But you really should want to kill them. You should want to drive them nuts. Make them have sleepless nights because you are dominating the market. You show me an athlete or a team that doesn’t have a killer instinct and I will show you a loser.
You often hear coaches say “We couldn’t put them away.” When would you think they would say that? Yep, right after they just lost. Quit being a loser. Start thinking like a winner. Kill the competition.
Being a winner is going to require you to do some things that will make you very uncomfortable. Being a winner is having a healthy discontent for people and things getting in the way of your ability to kill the competition.
Some Won’t?-Re-read “Some Will.”
Some Do?-Of course some do. They are the ones buying more dealerships and starting more businesses. They are part of the “rich get richer” saying. I remember hearing my dad use that saying when I was a young man. I never really understood it. Now I do. The rich get richer because they are always pushing forward. They are willing to try different ideas and things until they get it right. Then when they get it right, they try to get it “righter.” A simple winning formula!
Those who do are not sitting around and saying “Yes, I know the train is coming, but I don’t want to be the first one on board, because it might jump the tracks.” Oh, pooh pooh that, jump on the train, take over the engineer’s job and drive the darn thing.
Some Don’t?-Re-read “Some Do.”
So What?-I’ll tell you so what. Keep on doing it the old fashioned way. Keep on keeping some of those same stinky old loyal people. (Old as in thinking old, not age.) Keep on thinking you can still sell cars the old fashioned way with old fashioned pay plans, old fashioned concepts in the service department and your hole will get deeper and deeper until one of the “Some Dos” comes along and buys you out or picks your dealership up for nothing after you go out of business.
What you should be saying to the competition is “Here’s what.” Watch my dust as I pull further and further away from you.
Who’s Next?-As in whose butt are you going to kick next? Are you willing to absolutely kick your competitor’s butt? Are you going to turn your used car department upside down and finally make it work for you? Are you going to explain to the service department and parts department who runs the dealership? Will you do that, will you really do that? (I’m screaming.)
Are you going to let the entire dealership, including the office staff, know that if we don’t sell cars, lots and lots of cars, that they don’t have a job.
I’m always amazed at how the office staff complains about all the mistakes the sales department makes, but they don’t understand if the sales staff doesn’t make mistakes then they don’t have a job.
“Who’s next” should be you standing up and telling it like it is. “Who’s next” should be the tail quits wagging the dog. That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs