When you’re in business you have a ton of issues to deal with. None are more important than communicating with staff and management team to help them improve performance and profitability.
When you’re in a dealership day-to-day it’s like living with family members and therein lies the problem. It can be difficult to hold family accountable.
There’s tons of data for you to sort through each day to help you create a roadmap of accountability.
You often ignore it and look the other way because you don’t want to lose your family members.
Actually, sometimes it is family and that can create all sorts of issues for you and the team.
The problem is a lot of people see the word “accountable” as a negative word. Holding people accountable is actually a tool to coach them to the next level.
Coaching is about pointing out those things they may be missing. The reason you see what they don’t is because of your experience and the data you have at hand.
People don’t do things because either:
A. They don’t know what to do.
B. They know what to do and refuse to do it.
As a leader, you’re responsible for making sure they know.
Once they know you’re responsible for making sure they do it whatever it might be.
When are you going to stand up?
That’s all I’m gonna ask, Tommy Gibbs.