How was your June?
How have your first six months been?
It’s been a crazy year and I know that most of you have set some all-time records.
I can understand why you might be beating your chest a little bit.
Your record-breaking pace may mean you’ve gotten lucky or it may mean you’ve got your act together.
Either way, you need to be cautious of becoming complacent.
Even though things have been going well, you would be very smart to review how you can make things better as you tackle the second half.
But let’s suppose you’ve not been setting records or maybe you recognize you’ve done well despite some flaws in your plan of attack.
Since we still have 6 more months to go, I have a couple of questions:
1. If you’re a record-breaker, what are you going to do to get better?
2.If you’ve not been breaking records or have broken some despite yourself, what are you going to do to get better?
Everything we do is about choices.
You can choose to let things be as they are, or you can choose to dial it up a notch or two.
Your other choice is to do nothing. Go sit in your office, stare at the wall and count your money.
If you do nothing, your pile of money will likely go down and the year will soon be over.
That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs