Joe Maddon, renowned for his achievements, clinched a World Series Title with the Chicago Cubs and secured the American League pennant with the Tampa Bay Rays. Although he briefly managed the Los Angeles Angels before parting ways in 2022, his tenure there was marked by limited success.
Maddon’s quirky personality, though not my personal favorite, is undeniably matched by his remarkable success in the field of baseball. In a recent article published in the Tampa Bay Times, he shared his perspective on why he hasn’t received any job offers since his departure. ARTICLE
Part of the reason, he believes, can be attributed to a book he authored titled, “The Book of Joe: Trying Not to Suck at Baseball & Life.”
This book provides insights into how general managers have increasingly relied on analytics, relegating on-field managers to a secondary role.
Maddon’s book includes a thought-provoking passage: “When I first embarked on this journey in the early 2000s, baseball people held the reins, while the analytical minds observed from the periphery. Now, it’s the analytical minds steering the ship, with baseball people peering from outside. There was a time when analytics were the exception, but today, they define the essence of baseball, while traditional methods stand as the outliers. The roles have been entirely reversed.”
One of my workshop titles is “When Common Sense Meets Technology.” I’m a staunch advocate for technology, having created a life cycle and recon tool called “Up Your Gross.” Nonetheless, I often ponder whether we’ve delved so deep into technology that we’ve neglected the importance of common sense.
One immutable truth remains: every used car is unique. Regardless of the technology at our disposal, only our senses can discern the subtle nuances of a vehicle. Your automotive acumen, your expertise, and your street smarts are the ultimate determinants of success in your used car department.
You can engage with a multitude of buttons, but if you overlook the “brain-in-gear” button, you’ll never reach your full potential. Common sense should remain at the forefront, even in the age of technology.
Far too many people “overthink” things these days. And they often “over data” things as well.
Dr. Suess said it well, “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.”
Let common sense meet technology. That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs