Do you ever feel like you are on a merry-go-round? Riding those little ponies and seeing the same scenery over and over? The view never changes and things never seem to get much easier.
Being on the merry-go-round is like most things in life. You are the only person who can change it. You are the one that has to jump off. The reason you stay on it is the fear of jumping off and hurting yourself. A bad landing can be pretty rough. So, you convince yourself to stay on hoping that the scenery will eventually change. The reality is this isn’t your first rodeo. You know the view is not going to get any better until you make the decision to get off and head in another direction.
So, what to do?
- Take Control-You have to take control of your life and your daily actions. I’m all for reading books, listening to tapes, but if you think Superman is going to jump out of a book or tape and rescue you then you are dead wrong. You know your weak areas and you know the weak areas of your organization. It’s time to jump up on your desk, stand up on your hind legs, and take charge of the direction that you and the team are heading.
- Do something for you-The best advice I can give you is to get into better physical shape. The better physical shape you are in, the better mental shape you will be in. We all have excuses for not exercising and eating properly. You’re an adult. You owe yourself and your body at least an hour a day. Yes, it will require some discipline, but it’s well worth it. Exercising without paying attention to your diet is like sitting backwards on that horse on the merry-go-round. The view is a bit different, but you are heading in the same place, as in nowhere.
- Train and get motivated-Crank up your training for yourself and the organization. You personally need to run away for a day or so. Go to a workshop, Twenty group meeting or convention. Get out of your office and expand your mind. Bring back some ideas, and then hire someone to come in and deliver a powerful message to the team.
- Do something for the team-As in a cookout. It doesn’t cost a lot money, but it brings lots of benefits. Do it on a Friday. Come up with some fun games to play. Give away some prizes. Yes it all sounds a bit silly, but you have to remember we are all just kids dressed up in adult clothes. If you make others feel better then you will feel better and everyone becomes more productive. Don’t just assign someone to do it. You personally have to get involved and engage the team.
- Crank up your attitude– I’m betting you have a great attitude. Or at least I’m betting you think you do. Those around you may think differently. I’m also betting you think those around you have a bad attitude. Do you think yours might be contagious? You know the saying “Fake it till you make it.” Never has there been anything more true when it comes to attitude.
So, as I often do I try to keep things simple. What I’ve just shared with you are simple things that can make a huge difference. Riding the merry-go-round is pretty simple. Getting off the merry-go-round is even simpler. That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs