It’s January and we’re off and running. Actually, some of you are running, some of you are walking. The runners have been training hard for the last few months. The walkers have been talking about training hard.
The runners were getting into shape back in November and December by laying down “the plan” for 2014. The walkers were thinking they needed to get in shape and get a plan for 2013.
Runners are never happy. I’ve never seen a runner smile. Walkers are well, walkers. They often smile because they are dreaming of the things they would like to do. Whatever they are dreaming stays in their dreams.
The runners have a firm plan going into 2014. The walkers have a “kind-a-sort-a” plan going into 2014. Walkers talk about a plan, runners actually execute the plan.
Walkers are afraid if they make a plan they might have to change it. Runners know there are mud puddles and they just have to jump over a few to get where they want to go.
Runners like challenging their leadership skills by changing the plan. Walkers are afraid of change and would rather go with the flow than rock the ship.
Runners love Dave Anderson’s book “If You Don’t Make Waves You Will Drown.” Walkers would rather read “Winnie the Pooh” and dream about Pooh Bear.
When I do a workshop I recommend, suggest, and urge those in attendance to write out an action plan for the next 90 days using the top 3 or 4 processes from the workshop. At the end of 90 days re-write the action plan adding 3 or 4 more processes to it.
Any time you’re planning, there should be 30 day, 90 day, 180 day and 365 day action plans. The weather and the terrain are going to change and you need to be ready for change.
Walking along whistling a happy tune will make you feel good for that one little moment in time. Running hard with a flexible plan will exhilarate your soul and brain and will allow your team to leap tall buildings with a single bound for a long time to come.
Runners take money to the bank. Walkers go to the bank to borrow money so they don’t go out of business…yet.
Becoming a runner means harder training, greater commitment and disciplines that most people don’t have and will never have.
That’s why there is so much room at the top. Some will, most won’t. What about you? That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs