1. How much do I know?
2. Am I still learning?
3. Can we do it better?
4. Am I doing all I can do?
5. Am I restricting the team?
6. Am I giving the team the things they need to get the job done?
7. Am I seeking input from the team?
8. Do I love what I’m doing?
9. Am I being “loyal foolish?”
10. Has my thinking gotten stale?
11. Is the old way the best way?
12. Am I leading from the front?
13. Am I pushing from the rear?
14. Am I investing in myself?
15. Am I investing in the team?
16. Am I penny wise and pound foolish?
17. Am I hiring the wrong people?
18. Do I believe in what I’m doing?
19. Am I micro-managing or am I being a good “checker?”
20. Am I living on an island with a closed mind?
21. Why haven’t I hired Tommy Gibbs yet?