Can You Save It?

One of the processes I learned early in my career as a new car dealer was a “Save-a-Deal” meeting.

I often bring it up in my workshops. About 75% of the people have heard of it and of that maybe 20% actually do it.

If you don’t know what it is or you’re not using it, you should learn about it and you should start using it. It’s simple and effective to do.

It’s actually what its name implies. It saves deals. It makes deals. It helps you sell more cars. It keeps the staff focused on what’s important.

Every morning the Dealer, GM or GSM should gather up all the Sales, F&I and BDC/Internet managers and review the activity and pending deals from the previous day.

Bring the up log into the meeting and talk about each up from the previous day. Assign certain tasks and follow up to specific managers who will report back with the results.

Make sure every appraisal from the previous day is reviewed, discussed, dissected from one end to the other. Look for a way to get the trade and make the deal.

Consider all options including shopping the trade and even burying yourself. Have a manager contact all the customers that you could not come to terms with and up the ante for their trade. Sometimes all it takes is a phone call from the right person and another $500 to make the deal.

The odds are your competitors aren’t following up with an additional offer. You win and it’s an easy way to improve your “look to book.” When you improve your “look to book,” you spend less time hanging out at the auctions.

I’ll guarantee you’ll make some deals. You’ll save some deals. You’ll make more money, have a happier life and momentum will build. When you built momentum, the team wins. When the team wins, they want more wins. “Save-a-Deal” meetings are all about winning.

It takes discipline to do a “Save-a-Deal” meeting every day. “The pain of discipline or the pain of regret.”

That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs

Do You Lie?

I’m thinking that even if you don’t, you probably have. We often lie to ourselves in order to justify whatever it is we’re trying to justify.

To put it another way, “You can justify anything you want to justify.”

If you want to spend a bunch of money on advertising you can figure out a way to justify it or not.

If you’re thinking about firing someone you can justify doing so or not.

If you want to add additional staff you will figure a way to talk yourself into it or not.

If you’re convinced packs are still working, you can justify it even if they aren’t.

Choose your lies wisely, that’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs

Why Should You Read This?

Because you like progress, you like improvement and you like money.Follow

At some point along the way I’ve had the honor of speaking to your 20 Group. I love 20 Groups. Always have. Always will.

One of the things we both know is there are dealers in your 20 group who are excelling, a handful in the middle and a few others that have their struggles when it comes to the bottom line.

My used car processes are designed to improve your used car operation and your overall bottom line. Your bottom line and your organization will only grow but so much unless you grow your leadership team. My workshop now includes a section on that very subject, “Growing Your Leadership Team.”

We’re in the final stages of testing “The Gibbs Report,” a short list of Key Performance Indicators, which will guide you to greater performance, accountability, and profitability. If you choose to hire me, I’ll provide it to you and personally monitor it for free for 60 days. Such a deal!

My processes make sense and get amazing results. My prices are based on time zones and traveling out of the country. 20 Group members get a discount. If you would like a quote hit the reply button and say so.

I don’t train just your used car manager, I train your entire management team including your service manager. Until you get your entire team on the same page not much is going to change. To understand what I do and how I do it watch the short video at the bottom of this email.

Do the math. Divide my fee by the number of managers and/or the number of stores in your group. It’s a no brainer and a great investment in your team, your business and your future.

If you’re good, I’ll make you great.
If you’re great, I’ll make you greater.

Improvement gets down to one or two things:

1. Not knowing.
2. Not doing.

I fix both. That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs

What If New Car Sales Go In The Tank?

Many of us remember back in 2008 and 2009 that the world was coming to an end. Actually, for some new car dealers, their world of selling new cars did end.

For some strange reason, I’ve often compared those tough years to the Great Depression.

My parents and grandparents went through the Great Depression. How they thought about money, debt and resources were very different than those of us who have come along over the last 50 years or so.

Just like during the Great Depression, I was convinced back in 2008 and 2009 that we had learned some valuable lessons that we would never forget. I’m starting to realize just how wrong my thinking was.

Our reliance on new car sales and what they bring to the table has never been greater. New car sales are a good thing, but when we rely too heavily on them for our bottom line, it can put us in a trick bag when things go south.

There were hundreds of dealers who lost their franchises in 2008-2009. Many of those dealers attempted to turn those nice buildings into used car operations.

A good number of them failed. The reason they failed was
because of their reliance on new car sales they had never taken the time to study and learn the used car business.

If you are the Dealer, General Manager or General Sales Manager, you’d be wise to amp up your thinking on used cars.

Sure, enjoy your new car business as much as you can for as long as you can, but never forget, the stronger you are in used cars the more new cars you will sell and the less likely you are to have your own Great Depression.

You may not always be able to sell new cars, but you can always sell used cars. That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs

Can You Make Exceptions?

Absolutes are a powerful tool toward creating a disciplined organization.

The downside of absolutes is it chokes off the potential to have an acceptable exception.

Exceptions break the rule of discipline. Exceptions soon become the norm.

When exceptions become the norm chaos breaks out. The type of chaos I’m referencing isn’t actually like a bomb going off. This chaos is slow and gradual, often not recognized, and then – whamo – there it is, its ugly face screaming at you, “What the heck happened?”

Now here’s the real deal for those of you looking to become better leaders. You can have absolutes and exceptions in the same house. They can actually hang out with each other once in a blue moon.

True leaders can use them both and chaos will never show its ugly face. Granting an exception and going back to absolutes is very doable. The problem with leadership is that very few leaders have the skill to make effective use of them both.

Most people in leadership positions are stuck with one or the other.

At any given moment one is just as bad as the other. That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs

Are You Kidding Yourself?

There are some dealerships and some dealership groups that penalize the used car department for every unit over 60 days old.

A standard number they take is 10% of the value of each unit over 60 days. They subtract it from the month’s gross profit, impacting the gross profit the managers will be paid on.

A fairly common way of using that 10% is to write those units down by that amount, reducing the inventory amount and thereby creating a new and lower cost for that unit.

Part of the theory is that you’ll make some of it back when you sell the unit. When you finally sell the unit after a total of 90 days of ownership you might show a little profit, but you really didn’t make any money. All you’ve really done is played a joke on yourself, but it does make you feel better.

Never forget it is not about having to dump units at 60. It’s about finding a retail buyer before you ever get to 60. (Hello, Tommy Gibbs’ Life Cycle Management Process.)

Let’s pretend you have 10 units over 60 with an average cost of $25,000 each ($250,000.) That’s not a stretch because the more expensive units are the ones that tend to age, if for no other reason than there are fewer butts that can fit in those seats.

10 units at the 10% equals $25,000 worth of write down/loss for the month. Doesn’t really fix much of anything. Much like our politicians you’re just kicking the can down the road and allowing an undisciplined, lack of processes environment to continue to exist.

You might want to take some of that money you’re blowing and invest in coaching your team to a higher level of competence and continued performance. That’s how you grow a team. That’s how you grow an organization.

A penalized team loses games. A well-disciplined team wins games. That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs

The #1 Question I’m Asked

Where can I find a good used car manager? Yep, I get 15 to 20 emails a month asking me that question.

Often, when speaking to a 20 group or at a convention, someone will approach me and ask me if I know anyone they can hire for the used car manager’s position.

Very seldom do I have a name. Think about it. For the most part, if someone’s really good at what they do, they are smart enough to stay put. Whoever they are working for is smart enough to treat them well so they do stay put.

99.9% of the time when someone leaves an organization all the inventory problems come to the surface upon their exit.

My advice is always the same; you need to find someone within your organization, someone who knows your culture and who you can develop for an even greater position.

That’s what leaders do. They grow their team. They don’t run out and hire other people’s problems.

I often say if I were in your shoes, I’d find someone internally with a strong work ethic, who is open minded, technologically savvy, has some common sense, and I’d coach them to greatness.

For at least 6 months I (meaning the dealer or GM) would hold their hand. They would be my assistant. We’d be like Siamese twins and we would do everything together. He/she would follow me around like a puppy dog.

Here’s how it would work:

I do it and they are with me. (The best part about this is you’re going to find out where all the obstacles and landmines are located. Because you have the power, you will fix a lot of issues that have been holding your used car operation back.)

Eventually, I’d hand it off to them and they would do it and I’d be with them. I’d watch. I’d critique.

At some point, they would do it. They don’t need me except on issues outside of the scope of their authority.

And then, here’s the biggie, (this is how you grow) they do it, and someone is with them.

This is how you compound and grow your organization. Just like compounding interest.

Until you take this approach, your ability to grow will always be limited. To do anything else, you’re just plugging holes with a temporary worn out cork.

That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs

We’ve Always Done It That Way

Don’t you just hate it when someone says, “We’ve always done it that way.” What I find so very interesting is that more often than not we don’t actually say it. We just do it.

It’s one of those weird things in business that happens and we just look the other way. Not going to make any waves that what we’re doing doesn’t put us in a competitive position. Nope, just going to go with the flow. The old “father knows best” theory.

There’s not one person reading this that will disagree that the business is undergoing dramatic changes on a daily basis. We’ll soon have chips in our heads and sensors on our fingertips.

The pricing of new and used cars on the worldwide web is as normal as sleep and 3 meals a day.

The other thing that’s normal is we still charge full retail from the parts and service department to the used car department. Talk about putting yourself in a non-competitive position. Whamo.

A lot of smart people read my newsletters. I know you’re smart because you read them. I’m sure someone out there’s going to figure out a better way.

Those that figure it out will sell more vehicles.

Those that sell more vehicles will pile up more total gross.

Those that pile up more total gross will make more money even though they aren’t charging full retail to the used car department.

We’ve always done it that way is such a stupid thing to say. That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs

Should You Try This?

I realize this may not be a fit for some of you. And yes, there are some who believe this is old school, old fashioned and outdated. But, there are some who can make this work. And if it helps someone sell a few more units, I can handle a little criticism.

Memorial Day is just a few weeks away. It’s not too soon to be thinking about putting on a Memorial Day sale.

Consider Having An Onsite Tent Sale:

1. Put the tent up as close to the road as possible. Pick the best strategic position on your lot.

2. Put tables and chairs in the tent.

3. Put ALL of your people in the tent.

4. Everybody goes in the TENT!

5. Work all deals in the TENT!

6. If at all possible, move your computers into the tent and do F&I in the TENT.

7. Hang banners from the TENT saying “TENT SALE.”

8. Promote it with Direct mail and/or with a “private invitation” only deal for Thursday before you kick off your regular ads.

9. Do anything you can to make it look like a circus.

10. Rent those jumping air things for kids.

11. Balloons and more balloons.

12. Pop Corn, Sodas, Hot Dogs.

13. Lots and lots of spiffs for your sales people and managers.

14. Do a great kick off breakfast on Thursday for your staff.

15. Don’t do it just for the sales staff; get as many of your
employees involved as you can. (Feed everybody lunch every day of the event as well.)

16. Send out memos and emails to all employees explaining in detail what’s going to be happening.

17. Rope off special parking for customers. Hire an off duty police officer or security guard to direct them.

18. Answer the phone XYZ Dealership Tent Sale in Progress.

19. Do a fundraiser at the same time for the local little league or whatever.

20. Post the event on your website.

21. Do an email blast to all your customers advising them of the sale. If your CRM system is sophisticated enough make sure you tell them you need their specific trade and will pay top dollar for it during the sale.

22. Giveaways generally don’t do much except cause people to show up to get their gift and leave, but having people register for a free car is a good way to get info on them when they show up. Pick out a $1000 or $2000 car and give it away.

23. Along that same line, give the salesman who registers the winning ticket some sort of prize. Gift card, $200, whatever floats your boat.

24. Make up a bunch of signs like real estate signs that say “Tent Sale in Progress” and put along the grass in front of the dealership.

25. If you’re close to the interstate do some signs with arrows and put them up close to the ramp. (Oh come on, the worst that can happen is they make you take them down.)

26. Rent a chicken suit or some kind of character and have them walk up and down in front of the Dealership with a placard that says “Tent Sale in Progress.”

It’s not complicated and it’s not expensive. You just have to be creative. Get some of your key people together and throw some ideas around.

That’s all I’m gonna say, Tommy Gibbs

Are You Mad?

If you aren’t, you should be. Mad about what? You should be mad if you have even one unit over 60 days old.

Who should you be mad at? Well that depends on your position in the dealership.

If you’re the Dealer or GM you should be super mad at yourself and everyone around you for allowing it to happen.

If you’re the General Sales Manager you should be mad at yourself and everyone around you for allowing it to happen.

If you’re the Used Car Manager you should be mad at yourself and everyone around you for allowing it to happen.

If you’re the Desk Manager you should be mad at yourself and everyone around you for allowing it to happen. (Yes, you’re part of the problem.)

If you’re the Sales Manager you should be mad at yourself and everyone around you for allowing it to happen. (Yes, you’re part of the problem.)

If you’re the F&I Manager you should be mad at yourself and everyone around you for allowing it to happen. (Yes, you’re part of the problem.)

If you’re the Controller you should be mad at yourself and everyone around you for allowing it to happen. (Yes, you’re part of the problem.)

If you’re the Service Manager you should be mad at yourself and everyone around you for allowing it to happen. (Yes, you’re part of the problem.)

It doesn’t matter what your position is, you’re part of the problem of aging units. Either it’s your responsibility or you’re contributing to the problem, or if nothing else you’re an enabler.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last 20 years you know that having units over 60 days old is stupid and a horrible business practice.

If you weren’t mad before this email I hope you’re mad now. Go ahead be mad at me for saying it’s stupid for you to have units over 60 days old.

That’s probably your problem in the first place. You want to blame somebody else. Sure blame me for your madness because that’s what having units over 60 days is.

It’s madness. That’s all I’m gonna say. Tommy Gibbs